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Lottery Number Oracle


Although the neural engines of Lotto Sorcerer look for non-random patterns to lottery draws, Lottery Number Oracle is designed to work with lotteries that are truly random. This tool has three modes. The first, "Single Number", analyzes a single number; the second, "Full Report" analyzes all of the numbers; and the third, "Gaussian Predictor" sorts numbers by the best gaussian (normal distribution) prediction by-date.

How to Invoke

Use the menu item "Tools > Lottery Number Oracle..."

Window Controls

"Select Lottery" dropdown menu

Select the lottery you want to analyze.

"Single Number" Mode

"Number to Analyze" dropdown menu

Select the number you want to analyze. You can analyze any number from the current number pool. If the lottery you chose has bonus ball(s), then these numbers will appear at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

"Position" dropdown menu

This dropdown menu is active only for "pick type" lotteries. For these lotteries, select the number position. Positioning is reckoned from left-to-right, so choosing "3" from a Pick 4 type lottery will analyze the third number from the left.

"Verbose" checkbox

If checked, the analysis will list every instance of where the number you are analyzing has appeared.

"Analyze button"

Clicking this button starts the analysis process.

"Verbose" checkbox

If checked, the analysis will list every instance of where the number you are analyzing has appeared.

"Analysis Results" text box

Clicking this button starts the analysis process.

"Copy" button

Clicking this button copies the Analysis results to the System Clipboard.

"Save" button

Clicking this button saves the Analysis results to a text file.

"Full Report" Mode

Generate button

Clicking this button starts the report generation process.

Report list box

This list box shows the content of the entire report. You can resize columns by dragging the header borders. You can also sort any column by clicking on the column's header. Subsequent clicking alternates between ascending and descending order.

Here is a description of each column:

  1. Type: the type of number (whether it is a bonus number or not; number position [pick type lottery only]; etc.)
  2. Number: the number being analyzed.
  3. Incidences: how many times the number has been drawn.
  4. Last Incident: the last time the number has been drawn.
  5. Interval Average: the average interval, in number of draws, for that number.
  6. Standard Deviation: the standard deviation for this number's interval.
  7. 68% Chance: the last date of which this number has a 68% chance of being drawn*.
  8. 95% Chance: the last date of which this number has a 95% chance of being drawn*.
  9. 99.7% Chance: the last date of which this number has a 99.7% chance of being drawn*.

*assuming normal distribution

Export button

Clicking this button exports the report as a Microsoft Excel file.

Save button

Clicking this button exports the report as a Microsoft Excel file.

"Gaussian Predictor" Mode

The Gaussian Predictor mode show the predicted (by-date) values for the numbers in the lottery. Values shown are sorted so that the earliest dates appear at the top of the report. You can select the sigma value and, if applicable, which numbers to display. For example, if your lottery has a bonus number, drawn from a separate pool, you can select the main (non-bonus) numbers or the bonus numbers. If your lottery is a "pick-type" lottery, you can select which number position to analyze.

Sigma dropdown menu

Choose between 1 sigma or 3 sigma. 1 sigma show the predicted by-date values based on 1 standard deviation (68%); 2 sigma shows values based on 2 standard deviations (95%); and 3 sigma shows values based on 3 standard deviations (99.7%).

Analyze dropdown menu

If your lottery has a bonus number, drawn from a separate pool, you can select the main (non-bonus) numbers or the bonus numbers. If your lottery is a "pick-type" lottery, you can select which number position to analyze.

Analyze button

Clicking this button starts the report generation process.

Report list box

This list box shows analysis results. You can resize columns by dragging the header borders.

Here is a description of each column:

  1. Rank: results are ordered by date, so number 1 will have the earliest date.
  2. Number: the number being analyzed.
  3. By Date : the date shown represents the threshold date in year-month-day format. For example, "2016-11-10" means that there is a 68% chance of the number shown in the 'Number' column will be drawn by that date (if you have chosen a value of "1" in the Sigma dropdown menu).

Export button

Clicking this button exports the report as a Microsoft Excel file.

Save button

Clicking this button exports the report as a Microsoft Excel file.